This page is Dan's attempt to keep everyone "in the loop" with day to day updates on Margie and Kimmy. I hope it is helpful for all of you. Please leave comments and thoughts of encouragement and send this page on to family and friends who care and can be praying.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Wednesday at Lunch

I went up to the hospital at lunch again today. As I was walking onto Kim's floor I see her with her physical therapist and Kirk and Becky walking down the hall. Becky said "Kim do you see who that is?" Kim smiled and said, "Hi uncle Danny!" (yes I'll always be Danny to a lot of folks) I got to go to the "gym" with her and watch her session. She played basketball and soccer and walked on a balance beam (it was a painted 2x4 on the ground). She is gaining every day but her left side is lagging behind a little bit and her reaction time is diminished right now. It was a lot of fun to be included in that time.

Mom looked real strong today. As I got to her room they were talking with one of her doctors about rehab options. It sound like they are leaning towards her transferring to the rehab floor right there in Sparrow Hospital. The intensive therapy they will be able to give there will help get her home sooner. She may be transferred to that floor later this week and they would expect her to be there 7-10 days and then home at that point.

This really isn't a Tyler update page but here is one anyway. The hospital called this morning and his arm wasn't broken but they did not get the x-rays they needed to check out his shoulder so Deb and I are going up to get that done this afternoon.

Thanks for everything folks. Keep up the prayers and encouragement! Talk to you soon.



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