This page is Dan's attempt to keep everyone "in the loop" with day to day updates on Margie and Kimmy. I hope it is helpful for all of you. Please leave comments and thoughts of encouragement and send this page on to family and friends who care and can be praying.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Sunday Morning News

I'm actually up at the hospital right now. Mom is doing great this morning. Her head is clear from both medication and pain right now and she seems to be doing real well. She was eating breakfast while I was in.

Kim was awake when I stopped by her room. She was up going to the bathroom and she gave me a hug before climbing back into bed. She still has a neck brace on but they will take it off her today (they just need to get permission from the right person). Until she was responsive enough to tell them what she was feeling they couldn't remove it without doing an MRI and they didn't what to put her through that particular test.

The quote of the day from yesterday concerning Kim was "Her bell got rung harder than we thought." They are watching her close but every one is still very positive!!!! All in all things are still heading the right direction. They will hear more later in the day about the blood on Kim's brain and what's happening there.

Keep Praying



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