This page is Dan's attempt to keep everyone "in the loop" with day to day updates on Margie and Kimmy. I hope it is helpful for all of you. Please leave comments and thoughts of encouragement and send this page on to family and friends who care and can be praying.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Monday Night

Dad stopped over late tonight and I just got off the phone with Becky. Kim & Mom both had very busy but very good days today. Mom has had some occupational therapy sessions. She is working on getting from bed into a wheelchair and back as well as simple things like putting on a pair of pants. Imagine putting on a pair of pants without being able to stand up while wearing moon boots on both your feet - sounds exciting huh!

Kim had six different therapy sessions and met with an eye doctor. She played basketball (Gramps said she was shootin' pretty well!) keplunk and don't break the ice. She read through all the cards folks sent to her and dictated a letter to Becky for the kids at bible school this week. As I wrote earlier they did take the feeding tube out today. They told her if she didn't eat enough they would have to put it back in and so for dinner tonight our little Kimmy was almost force feeding herself. She ate a huge portion of mashed potatoes, some apple sauce and a piece of cake.

Tomorrow they are planning on doing an MRI and an MRA (don't ask me the difference I just write what they tell me). These will take a look at both the brain and the arteries. They did not end up doing the CT scan I mentioned yesterday. She was doing so well they just did the x-ray to look at her neck and these tests tomorrow will give them the next pieces of information they need.

As far as what's next for Mom they have started talking about where she will go as an interim step between the hospital and home. We are hoping there is space at the Medical Care Facility here in Charlotte - please be in prayer to this end.

Thanks again for all the prayers, cards and help. It means so much.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan, please tell your mom I am praying for her and all of the family. I have been sick with strep and haven't been able to stop in at the hospital to see her. Please give her a hug for me. Also, please let me know if there is any thing I can do to help. As soon I am better, I can take a turn keeping her company her, bringing in meals or what ever. If you see any need, please let me know. Please tell you mom I love her and to heal quickly. Robin Vedder

9:04 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so excited to hear about Kim. We prayed for her at vacation Bible school and made cards. The kids really experienced what it means to be a friend by making cards. I'm glad they cheered her up. I rejoiced by the thought of her eating up her food to make her well. Hurray!Way to go Kim! I'm so proud of you. I will be praying for Margie too!. Laurel Vagts

9:49 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


If there is anything I or Nicole can to do to assist Becky & Kirk or any of you - pls advise/ call

Our thoughts and prayers are with each of you

Zac Soderberg
& Family

2:07 PM


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