This page is Dan's attempt to keep everyone "in the loop" with day to day updates on Margie and Kimmy. I hope it is helpful for all of you. Please leave comments and thoughts of encouragement and send this page on to family and friends who care and can be praying.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Afternoon Update

Mom went into surgery this morning at around 11:00 am. The surgeon said her expects it to last about 5 hours. We have no updates at this time. He is hoping to fix everything in both feet but is unsure if the swelling in her right foot will have gone down enough to finish everything her need to do there. I will get more info up this evening when we find out more.

Kimmy is waking up more and more. During her waking moments she recognizes every one and can name her aunts and uncles. She woke up around noon, sat up and started brushing her hair. The only tubes she is still hooked up to is her IV and a tube through her nose which they are feeding her through. The hemorrhage has started to bleed slightly again. The original bleeding was between the skull and the skin - this newer bleeding is between the skull and the brain - this is very serious and they are watching it very closely. If the brain starts moving inside the skull because of the pressure they will have to do surgery to remove some of the blood and relieve the pressure. The hospital staff today said she may be there through the week.

I am going back up this evening and will get updates then and as I get phone calls.

Keep Praying



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