This page is Dan's attempt to keep everyone "in the loop" with day to day updates on Margie and Kimmy. I hope it is helpful for all of you. Please leave comments and thoughts of encouragement and send this page on to family and friends who care and can be praying.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Accident Updates

This page is an attempt to try to get out info to the family, church and friends of Mom, Kim & Zack.

They were in a very serious car accident on Thursday June 15th. Zack is released from the hospital with bumps and bruises but Kim and Mom were more seriously hurt and have been admitted to Sparrow hospital in Lansing.

Kim has subdural heatoma (sp ?) basically a bruise on the brain. They have kept her asleep and have been monitering her for swelling on the brain. She had a good night last night and they are trying to wake her up this morning to check her out further.

Mom's feet and ankles were both severely injured - the doctors are especially concerned about her right foot. The bones in her right heel were broken as were some of the other bones in the middle of both feet. after the swelling goes down they will be doing surgeries to repair the damage but this may not happen for a few days or a few weeks.

I will try to keep updates up here as often as possible for folks. Also feel free to call First Baptist Church at 517-543-6900. They will be updated as well.


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